New Year, New Priorities

Here we are again, welcoming another year. The holidays are over and now it's time for making resolutions and getting priorities straight. Why not start with getting your house safe for the year - making sure everything is up to code or being absolutely positive that there is no chance for any sudden electrical mishaps.

Electrical Safety Home Value Plans


At Wiretech, we offer an annual package that we like to call "Home Value Plans". With three options available, you can be sure to have a safe house for one, two, or three years. These plans include the following:

  • Waiving of our dispatch fee (a $39 value per visit)
  • A full electrical home safety inspection (we check EVERYTHING - breakers, circuits, smoke detectors, electrical panel -  and give you a copy of the report)
  • 10% off of the standard prices
  • We make your call a priority! You are moved to the top of our list and guaranteed same day service when you call.
  • The plan you choose is transferable. Meaning, if you sell your home, the new homeowner gets the benefits of this plan through the plans expiration date.

TV Wiring & Home Theater Wiring

There are many other services that Wiretech offers. One that comes to mind during this time of year, would be mounting televisions and hiding all of those hideous cords! Cords are such an eye sore, especially when you got a new, fancy CurveTV for Christmas and want it mounted on the wall and have all of your components on a low shelf or entertainment stands. Our technicians will install a recessed outlet behind your television, run the wiring down the wall, and add another recessed plate where all the cords will then be connected to your components. I personally have had this done in my house and it's SO NICE! No wires or cords are seen and I can easily unplug or add others when/if needed.

Think you might be interested in either of these great services? Click here to be directed to our Contact page, you can call our office or send us an email with any questions that you may have.


We hope you have a wonderful new year!